Free Beacon Caroline Lee Smith

Caroline Lee Smith is news editor of the Washington Free Beacon. Prior to joining the Free Beacon, she worked as a reporter and editor for United Press International. She graduated from the University of Mississippi in 2012, where she served as Editor-in-Chief of The Daily Mississippian. Caroline lives in Washington, D.C. Her Twitter handle is @cmlee. She can be reached at

Obamacare Abortion Rules Often Ignored, New GAO Report Reveals

Investigation discovers that many Obamacare plans do not distinguish whether subsidies pay for abortion

September 16, 2014

Obama Rejected 'Best Military Advice' From Top Military Commander

'The American people will once again see us in a war that doesn't seem to be making progress'

September 12, 2014

CIA: Islamic State Has 2 to 3 Times More Fighters than Previous Estimate

ISIL 'can muster between 20,000 and 31,500 fighters across Iraq and Syria'

September 12, 2014

Cost to Educate Young Illegal Immigrants Estimated At $761M

States shoulder the cost for nearly 40,000 children

September 9, 2014

Sessions: Twice as Many People Left the Labor Force as Found Jobs in August

Labor force has fallen by more than 7 million under Obama

September 5, 2014
mmigrants take the oath of allegiance at a naturalization ceremony in New York

Most Americans Oppose Exec Amnesty

Even Democrats opposed to executive action

September 4, 2014