Free Beacon Bill Gertz

Bill Gertz was senior editor of the Washington Free Beacon.

China Successfully Tests Hypersonic Missile

Seventh test of new DF-ZF glider tracked over northern China

April 27, 2016
Russian President Vladimir Putin / AP

Russia Tests Hypersonic Glide Vehicle on Missile

High-speed weapon to match U.S. prompt strike weapons

April 22, 2016

China Confirms Multiple-Warhead Missile Test in South China Sea

New DF-41 missile was launched carrying two dummy warheads

April 21, 2016
Former Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad gestures towards a model of Iran's new domestically-built light booster rocket Simorgh

Iran Conducts Space Launch

Simorgh launcher part of long-range missile program

April 20, 2016
North Korea Musudan intermediate-range ballistic missile showcased during a military parade in Pyongyang

North Korean Missile Exploded, Damaged Launcher in Failed Test

U.S. commander says threats from Pyongyang increasing

April 20, 2016

China Flight Tests New Multiple-Warhead Missile

DF-41 launch comes amid heightened tensions over S. China Sea

April 19, 2016

Russian Jet Threatened U.S. Recon Aircraft

Barrel rolls over plane in latest Baltic Sea provocation

April 16, 2016
Chinese soldiers browse online news on desktop computers at a garrison of the PLA

Admiral: China Launching Cyber Attacks on Missile Defense Nets ‘Every Day’

Cyber threat comparable to Iranian, North Korean missile danger

April 15, 2016

Pentagon Developing Pre-Launch Cyber Attacks on Missiles

‘Left-of-launch’ missile defense to bolster post-launch interceptors

April 14, 2016