Free Beacon Bill Gertz

Bill Gertz was senior editor of the Washington Free Beacon.

Barack Obama, Xi Jinping

State Department Report Says Chinese Cyber Attacks ‘Ongoing’

Better concealment of hacking linked to reported decline in Beijing cyber strikes

June 29, 2016
Vladimir Putin, Daniel Ortega

Moscow Building Spy Site in Nicaragua

Signals intelligence facility part of deal for 50 Russian tanks

June 23, 2016

General: Threat of ISIS in Libya Grows

AFRICOM nominee urges more U.S. airstrikes

June 22, 2016
Russian President Vladimir Putin

The Cyber Threat: Russian Hackers Behind DNC Breach Seeking to Influence U.S. Election

Sanctions and retaliatory cyber strikes should, but won’t, be the American response

June 21, 2016
ISIS Propaganda

Homeland Security Report Calls for Rejecting Terms ‘Jihad,' ’Sharia’

DHS to target millennials in countering Islamist recruitment

June 17, 2016

Obama Defends Ban on
Term ‘Radical Islam’

Critics say failure to link Islam to enemy hinders counterterror war

June 15, 2016

Russians Violating New START Arms Treaty

Moscow tried to deceive inspectors on missile cuts, U.S. says

June 9, 2016

China Suspected in Hack of Tiananmen Anniversary

Victims of Communism website attacked, teleconference disrupted

June 3, 2016