Free Beacon Bill Gertz

Bill Gertz was senior editor of the Washington Free Beacon.

Donald Trump

Trump Loosens Sanctions on Russian Spy Agency Linked to Election Hack

'Technical' adjustment lets U.S. companies sell products to Russia

February 2, 2017

China Tests Missile With 10 Warheads

Multi-warhead weapon tested amid growing tensions with the United States

January 31, 2017
Hong Kong US Navy

Political Fight Underway Over Trump Pick for Navy Secretary

Former Hong Kong-based financier raises concerns for pro-China policies

January 25, 2017
Donald Trump

President-Elect Hits CNN, Buzzfeed for False Stories

Trump warns Russia on further U.S. hacking

January 11, 2017
Russia Putin

U.S. Intel Report Says Putin Led 'Cyber-Enabled Disclosure Operation' to Help Elect Trump, Discredit Clinton

Broad-based GRU intelligence campaign employed cyber attacks and data leaks to WikiLeaks, DCLeaks, and Guccifer 2.0

January 6, 2017