Free Beacon Bill Gertz

Bill Gertz was senior editor of the Washington Free Beacon.

Missile Mania

Senior State Dept missile defense envoy declines to explain Obama’s ‘flexibility’ promise to Moscow

May 3, 2012

Defection Denied

Vice President’s office behind turning away of senior Chinese defector from consulate in China

May 1, 2012

Beijing's Battle Plan

Chinese military writings reveal cyber, space war plans

April 27, 2012

Tunnel of Nukes

House bill would require targeting study for Chinese nuclear tunnels

April 26, 2012

China Arms the DPRK

Chinese missile launcher export to Pyongyang likely approved by Beijing, report says

April 25, 2012

Secret Talks with Chi-Coms

Pentagon to sponsor a new round of Track Two nuclear arms talks with China’s military

April 23, 2012

The Star Fighters

Administration report warns that loosening exports on space technology could boost China’s space warfare capabilities

April 19, 2012

Beijing’s Kim Connection

Photos show Chinese mobile launcher for new North Korean ICBM, prompting calls for arms sanctions on Beijing

April 17, 2012

Broken Bo

U.S. scrutinizes Chinese military amid leadership struggle

April 16, 2012

Habeas in the House

House Republicans seek to affirm constitutional rights for American detainees

April 13, 2012