Free Beacon Bill Gertz

Bill Gertz was senior editor of the Washington Free Beacon.

Russian Defense Ministry officials show off the Russia's 9M729 cruise missile at the military Patriot Park outside Moscow

China Opposes U.S. Withdrawal From Missile Treaty to Keep Advantage

Beijing using arms control to protect 2,000 intermediate-range missiles but refused to join INF treaty

January 31, 2019
Director of National Intelligence Daniel Coats

DNI: Beijing Set for 'Ideological Battle' with U.S.

China spreading communism to replace U.S.-led democratic, free market system

January 30, 2019
Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker Holds News Conference To Announce A Law Enforcement Against China

Grand Juries in New York, Washington State Indict China's Huawei Technologies

Telecom giant charged with economic espionage against T-Mobile and violating U.S. sanctions law on Iran

January 29, 2019
Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin

Pentagon: Chinese Military Units Training With ASAT missiles

China, Russia militarizing space to challenge U.S.

January 23, 2019
Jim Risch

New Senate Foreign Relations Chair to Focus on China

Idaho senator doubtful on New START treaty extension

January 22, 2019
Donald Trump

Trump to Rapidly Expand U.S. Missile Defenses

Expanded missile threats from China, Russia spur policy shift

January 17, 2019

DIA Details Communist Control of Chinese Military

Pentagon acknowledges Beijing seeks global supremacy

January 17, 2019

Huawei Technologies Linked to Chinese Communist Party, Intelligence Services

Telecom targeted in Trump campaign to pressure China on trade, theft of American technology

January 16, 2019