Free Beacon Bill Gertz

Bill Gertz was senior editor of the Washington Free Beacon.

Pentagon Attacked by Computer Virus

Foreign state suspected in new computer virus that infected Pentagon networks

September 6, 2012

Iranian Nuke Progress Mounts

IAEA report reveals Iran nuclear progress unhindered by sanctions or international pressure

September 5, 2012

Chinese Missile Tests Continue

China conducts fourth flight test of mobile ICBM

September 4, 2012

Gulf War

Navy chief denies Russian sub entered Gulf of Mexico

August 31, 2012

China Funding Anti-American Afghan Radio

China government funding anti-U.S., anti-NATO radio broadcasts in Afghanistan

August 31, 2012

Report: Possible EMP Strike on Iran?

U.S. sees signs Israel could use nuclear EMP attack against Iran

August 29, 2012

Russian Troops Trained in U.S.

Joint U.S.-Russia military training raises concerns that the U.S. military will increase Moscow threat to friends and allies in Europe

August 28, 2012

Chinese Missile Tests Continue

China conducts third long-range missile test in 4 weeks

August 23, 2012

State Dept. Advisers: Let's Cut Nukes Some More

New State Dept. report suggests working toward elimination of nuclear weapons

August 21, 2012

Torpedo Run

Senate Armed Services Committee member demands answer from Navy chief on Russian sub in Gulf of Mexico

August 21, 2012