Free Beacon Bill Gertz

Bill Gertz was senior editor of the Washington Free Beacon.

Not-So-Strange Bedfellows

Chinese missile technicians spotted in Egypt working with North Koreans to upgrade Scuds

January 29, 2013

Going on Defense

China, U.S. conduct missile defense tests

January 27, 2013

Hagel Backtracks on Nukes

Hagel walks back from anti-nuclear positions

January 25, 2013

Riding the Nuclear Rails

China developing rail mobile strategic missiles

January 25, 2013

Cyber Threat Looms

Former NSA Director: U.S. facing crippling cyber attack, long-term cyber espionage

January 24, 2013

Duck and Cover

Clinton grilled by Congress on Benghazi attack and failures to provide adequate security

January 23, 2013

Hillary Speaks

Clinton insists she initially called Benghazi a militant attack but claims perpetrators not fully known

January 23, 2013

War Preparation Indicator

Beijing hardens subways for nuclear, gas attacks

January 11, 2013

Iran Threat Escalates

New threat of Iranian-backed kidnappings of diplomats, religious leaders, officials warn

January 11, 2013

Nuke Plan Hurting Hagel

Senators with home-state strategic bases voice concerns on Hagel’s Global Zero anti-nuclear views

January 10, 2013