Free Beacon Andrew Kerr

Something Blue: Defund the Police Champion Cori Bush Weds Private Security Guard in Secret Ceremony

Bush’s romantic and financial ties with bodyguard raise ethical questions

February 27, 2023

Fake Muslim Activist Scored Invite to Obama White House and Rubbed Shoulders With 'Squad' Members

Raquel Evita Saraswati, aka Rachel Elizabeth Seidel, deleted Flickr album full of photos with prominent Democrats

February 22, 2023

Stacey Abrams Charity Has a $500,000 Problem In Its Latest Tax Filing

Legal experts say IRS should probe New Georgia Project due to error-ridden tax filings

February 16, 2023

Top Left-Wing Network Blocked From Credit Card Processor Over Ties to Palestinian Terror Group

Alliance for Global Justice asks supporters to 'donate via paper checks' after freeze out

February 16, 2023

Former Employees Slap The Left's Favorite Dark Money Group With Racial Discrimination Lawsuits

Black woman hired as racial equity consultant says she faced discrimination at New Venture Fund

February 9, 2023

Up in Smoke: Black Activists Slam Kathy Hochul for Proposed Menthol Cigarette Ban

'You are going to be the person that took Newport cigarettes from black people. You would never get reelected again.'

February 7, 2023

Brother of Top Biden Aide Seeing Green as President Gives 'Free Publicity' To Client

GM has paid Jeff Ricchetti $460,000 to lobby for EV tax credits as ethics watchdogs raise pay-to-play concerns

February 1, 2023