Free Beacon Ali Meyer

Ali Meyer is a staff writer with the Washington Free Beacon covering economic issues that expose government waste, fraud, and abuse. Prior to the Free Beacon, she was a multimedia reporter with where her work appeared on outlets such as Drudge Report and Fox News. She also interned with the Heritage Foundation and Pacific Research Institute. Her Twitter handle is @DJAliMeyer, and her email address is

fired employee

Workers in Private Sector Are 3 Times More Likely to Get Fired Than Gov’t Workers

Private sector fired 1.6 million employees while government fired only 88,000

August 11, 2016
Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton Wore Shoes That Cost $775 on the Campaign Trail

Shoes cost more than the average American makes in a week

August 10, 2016

Obamacare Costs Incentivized Smokers to Forego Coverage, Smoke More

Middle-aged smokers paid $70 more for coverage on average

August 10, 2016

Feds Will Struggle to Recoup Loans to Failed Obamacare Co-Ops

Controversial bookkeeping rule allowed co-ops to treat debt as an asset

August 10, 2016

FY 2016 Budget Deficit Larger Than Expected

Now projected to reach $590 billion

August 8, 2016
Catherine Cortez Mastro

New Ad Highlights How Democratic Senate Candidate Has Been Influenced by Special Interests

Catherine Cortez Masto received $70,000 from the taxicab industry and pushed Uber out of Nevada

August 4, 2016

EPA Cannot Prove That Its $16 Million Education Program Had Any Positive Results

Inspector general criticizes agency for using weak excuses for not collecting data

August 3, 2016

New Documents Reveal IRS Headquarters in D.C. Buried Conservative Groups’ Tax Applications

Attorney who investigated IRS scandal is an Obama, Democratic Party donor

August 3, 2016