Free Beacon Ali Meyer

Ali Meyer is a staff writer with the Washington Free Beacon covering economic issues that expose government waste, fraud, and abuse. Prior to the Free Beacon, she was a multimedia reporter with where her work appeared on outlets such as Drudge Report and Fox News. She also interned with the Heritage Foundation and Pacific Research Institute. Her Twitter handle is @DJAliMeyer, and her email address is

cash money

CBO: Federal Debt to Hit $28.2 Trillion Over Next Decade

Policies like Obamacare, tax code reduce Americans’ incentive to work

August 25, 2016

One-Third of U.S. Will Have Only One Insurer Offering Obamacare Plans in 2017

Insurers exiting Obamacare exchanges due to unsustainable losses

August 23, 2016

Republican Bill Would Suspend Obamacare Mandate Amid Premium Hikes

Penalty would not apply if premiums have risen 10 percent or more on average

August 22, 2016

U.S. Has Third Highest Corporate Tax Rate in the World

Tax rate is 16.4 percentage points higher than worldwide average

August 19, 2016

One in Five Manufacturers in NY Cutting Jobs Due to Obamacare

Nearly a third of these employers said they would raise prices on their customers

August 18, 2016

Insurer Participation in Obamacare Projected to Continue Decline in 2017

Health care expert envisions only one or two insurers per state

August 17, 2016

Washington, D.C. Is Worst Locale in Nation to Get Most Out of $100

$100 has lowest purchasing power in D.C., Hawaii, N.Y., N.J., and Calif.

August 16, 2016

Poll: Majority Believe Private Companies Provide Better Health Care Than Gov’t

Respondents concerned about state control of health care, higher premiums, poor care

August 16, 2016

Clinton Supports Imposing Death Tax on Americans While Avoiding It Herself

As a senator, Clinton voted against repealing the Death Tax

August 12, 2016

Only 39% of Americans Believe It’s a Good Time to Find a Quality Job

Both Republicans' and Democrats' positive views of job market declined this month

August 12, 2016