Free Beacon Ali Meyer

Ali Meyer is a staff writer with the Washington Free Beacon covering economic issues that expose government waste, fraud, and abuse. Prior to the Free Beacon, she was a multimedia reporter with where her work appeared on outlets such as Drudge Report and Fox News. She also interned with the Heritage Foundation and Pacific Research Institute. Her Twitter handle is @DJAliMeyer, and her email address is


CBO: Government Spending Projected to Drive Up Debt to Record-High Levels

Budget deficit projected to more than double over next decade, hitting $1.297 trillion in 2026

January 24, 2017
Tom Price

Tom Price Promises Every American Will Have Access to Affordable Health Care

HHS nominee commits to ensure that those who lost coverage under Obamacare will be able to achieve coverage

January 24, 2017
Bill Cassidy,Susan Collins

If You Like It, You Can Keep It (And This Time We Mean It)

Senators' ACA replacement proposal allows states to keep Obamacare or replace it

January 23, 2017

President Trump Signs Executive Order to Relieve Economic Burden of Obamacare

Trump promised on the campaign trail that on day one he'd ask Congress to repeal the ACA

January 21, 2017

Report: Average Obamacare Deductible Will Jump 20% in 2017

Premiums, out-of-pocket costs expected to rise as choices, projected enrollment declines

January 21, 2017
Steven Mnuchin

Treasury Nominee Mnuchin Vows to Close Tax Loopholes, Expand Economic Growth

Mnuchin defends record at IndyMac, says he helped Americans stay in their homes

January 19, 2017
Tom Price

HHS Nominee Tom Price Says All Americans Have Right to Health Care

Orthopedic surgeon touts affordability, accessibility of replacement to Obamacare

January 18, 2017
U.S. Capitol Building

Audit: Federal Government Remains on Unsustainable Fiscal Path

Net operating cost more than doubled over past year

January 17, 2017
Donald Trump

IMF: U.S. Economic Growth Expected to Rise Due to Trump Policies

Economic growth expected to increase to 2.3% in 2017, 2.5% in 2018

January 16, 2017