Obama at WH Prayer Breakfast: People Who Didn't Vote for Me Pray for Me

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Finally, I want to just express appreciation for your prayers. Every time I travel around the country, someone’s saying, "We’re praying for you." "We’ve got a prayer circle going." "Don’t worry, keep the faith, we’re praying." Michelle gets the same stuff. And that means a lot to us. It especially means a lot to us when we hear it from folks who we know probably didn’t vote for me. And yet, expressing extraordinary sincerity about their prayers, and it’s a reminder not only of what binds us together as a nation, but what binds us together as children of God. Now, I have to be careful, I’m not going to stand up here and give a sermon; it’s always a bad idea to give a sermon in front of professionals.

Published under: Obama Administration