Nearly 10 Percent of N.H. Food Stamp Recipients Have Out-Of-State Address

A new report shows that nearly 10 percent of non-Medicaid food-stamp recipients in New Hampshire actually live outside the state. WMUR reports:

After an audit of 24,355 non-Medicaid food stamp recipients in New Hampshire, the report shows 2,200 hold a primary address outside of the state. [...]

"We are up to a potential in that program alone of up to $41 million worth of payments that may be questionable," said House Speaker Bill O'Brien.

The report also cites cases of incarcerated or deceased residents getting benefits, including one where the recipient may have been dead since 1983.

Full transcript:

ANCHOR: A new report shows that a disturbing number of people collecting entitlement benefits here in New Hampshire may actually be living out of state. After an audit of roughly 25,000 non-Medicaid food stamp recipients in New Hampshire, the report shows that nearly 10 percent hold a primary address outside the state. It also shows that out of more than 86,000 people on Medicaid, more than 5,500 also live out of state. The report also cites cases of incarcerated or deceased residents getting benefits. The audit, done by Lexis-Nexis, was conducted through information gathered by multiple databases, and individual cases have not been investigated.

Published under: Food Stamps , Video