Gov. Brown on Solyndra: ‘I thought failure was part of the process’

“You gotta try things”

California Governor Jerry Brown wants to call the bankruptcy of solar-panel producer Solyndra a learning experience, saying the failure of the company—which cost taxpayers over $500 million—could help other companies avoid making the same mistakes.

The Wall Street Journal reports:

"I thought failure was part of the process," Mr. Brown said, speaking at The Wall Street Journal’s ECO:nomics conference in Santa Barbara, Calif. "Hell, I was out of office for how many decades? You gotta try things."...

Mr. Brown said there’s a lot to learn from the Solyndra debacle, including how politics influences energy. But he notes that Solyndra’s failure—which left U.S. taxpayers on the hook for more than $500 million—was "chump change" compared to the recent mortgage meltdown and financial crisis.


Published under: Jerry Brown