Biden on Orlando: 'Terrorism Can Happen Anywhere'

June 20, 2016

In the wake of the mass shooting in Orlando, Florida, Vice President Joe Biden said violent extremist acts require a global response during a speech at the Center for New American Security's national security conference.

Biden said al Qaeda and the Islamic State's terror attacks are a real threat that needs to be dealt with before listing five cities the terror organization ISIS has already attacked.

"Terrorism and violent extremism is yet another example of the virulent, transnational dangers that require a sustained global response," Biden said. "Al-Qaeda, ISIL, other off shoots, they are real threats."

Biden then said the recent attack in Orlando, that took the lives of 49 people in the worst terrorist assault since September 11, reminded Americans once again that violence can happen anywhere at the hands of ISIS.

"The horrific events in Orlando, the attacks in San Bernardino, Paris, Brussels, and elsewhere remind us, including Turkey, remind us over and over again that terrorism can happen anywhere and does happen anywhere," Biden said.

Published under: Islamic State