Susan Sarandon stumbled earlier Thursday on CNN with Carol Costello when asked about her support for Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.).
Costello asked Sarandon about the criticism Sanders has gotten for giving "handouts," but Sarandon asked Costello, "Do they say that about all of Europe?"
Costello said, "Some critics do say that about Europe."
"Yeah, but they are very happy," Sarandon said.
"Some countries within Europe, their economies aren’t so great," Costello said.
"Yeah, but we got broke going to war, right?" Sarandon said, seeming rattled by the questioning as she tried to evade Costello’s point about the state of the European economy.
Later, Sarandon said, "I mean, I’m not an economist." Her answer wandered around as she tried to turn the conversation to wealth disparity as she tried to explain her support for Sanders.
When she was asked why she was not supporting Hillary Clinton, Sarandon said, "She failed me," as she talked about the differences between Sanders and Clinton.
Sarandon also said, "Canada is doing fine."