Dem Congresswoman Apologizes for Mocking Native Americans

May 18, 2015

Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez apologized on Sunday after video surfaced of the California Democrat apparently disparaging Native Americans.

Sanchez, a candidate for U.S. Senate, was filmed at an event on Saturday apparently mimicking a stereotypical Native American gesture by tapping her hand over her mouth and whooping.

She apologized on Sunday, Politico reports.

Speaking to delegates at a state Democratic convention Sunday, the 10-term congresswoman said she said something offensive "and for that I sincerely apologize." […]

Her chief rival in the Senate race, Attorney General Kamala Harris, called the gesture shocking.

Sanchez said everyone makes mistakes and defended her record on civil rights, human rights and Native American rights.

Sanchez said American Indians have "a great presence in our country and many of them are supporting our election."