Piers Morgan Not Ready For Hillary: She is 'Ghost of Christmas Past'

February 26, 2015

Piers Morgan is not ready for Hillary.

The British journalist and U.S. TV personality said the fresh faces involved in the Republican primary would add intrigue to their party–something the Democrats sorely lack.

"Republicans will have somebody new and fresh and exciting because that's what they are going to have," Morgan said. "Hillary Clinton is slightly ghost of Christmas past to many people. She didn't beat Barack Obama. She's no spring chicken, and I say that in the nicest possible way."

Morgan also said Clinton’s coronation could be very risky for Democrats that won’t have a tough primary to vet and sharpen their nominee.

If I were the Democrats, I’d be would be thinking, we’ve got to be very careful here that we don’t put all of our eggs into the Hillary Clinton basket and we end up with somebody who could actually lose," Morgan said.

So who does Morgan like for 2016?

"I think Scott Walker is playing a very clever game. I've always thought he was a smart guy."

Published under: 2016 Election