VA Secretary's False Special Forces Claim is 'Latest Blunder' for Struggling Agency

February 24, 2015

Veterans Affairs Secretary Robert McDonald claimed to be in the Special Forces last month while talking to a homeless man in Los Angeles. When confronted about the lie, McDonald immediately apologized.

"I have no excuse. I was not in Special Forces," McDonald said.

This is not the first time McDonald has talked his way into trouble. On February 15, McDonald falsely claimed that 900 employees had been fired since he took over for the maligned federal agency.

Just a few days before that incident, McDonald grabbed headlines for all the wrong reasons when he challenged Rep. Mike Coffman (R., Colo.), "I ran a large company, sir, what have you done?"

Coffman was Secretary of State and Treasurer in Colorado, founded his own firm, and, you guessed it, a veteran.

Tapped to repair the VA after scandal, McDonald has brought more attention to himself than the Department he is supposed to fix.

"Robert McDonald was hired on at the VA to clean up that mess and it appears now he's talked his way into a mess of his own," Jim Miklaszewski said.

Published under: Veterans Affairs