Darrell Issa to Jonathan Gruber: 'Are You Stupid?'

December 9, 2014

Congressman Darrell Issa (R., Calif.) asked a blunt question of Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber on Tuesday during a House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing: "are you stupid?"

Gruber, who famously said "the stupidity of the American voter" was "critical" to passing Obamacare, found the tables turned on himself.

"The night before last, I was at the Kennedy Center honors, where they honored Tom Hanks, famously, Forrest Gump--the ultimate successful stupid man," Issa said in his long-winded introduction.

"Are you stupid?" he asked Gruber.

"I don't think so, no," Gruber said.

"Does MIT employ stupid people?" Issa asked, referring to Gruber's employer.

"Not to my knowledge," Gruber said.

"So, you're a smart man who said some really stupid things, is that correct?" Issa asked.

Gruber stopped short of calling his comments stupid, but instead admitted they were "really inexcusable."

Issa's questioning bore a striking similarity to a scene from Forrest Gump:

Published under: Darrell Issa