AAF Video Shows Why Free Trade Agreements Are Good for the Economy

November 18, 2014

A new video released by the American Action Forum on Tuesday highlights the benefits of passing Trade Promotion Authority in order to increase U.S. economic activity with its trading partners around the globe, create jobs at home and boost GDP.

Despite enacting TPA for more than 30 years, Congress has failed to enact TPA amid pressure from congressional Democrats who feared the measure would cost them the 2014 midterm elections.

The AAF video explains how TPA works and why it is crucial in fostering U.S. economic growth.

"With TPA, the U.S. is empowered to negotiate with our trading partners, who can be confident that the agreement reached will not change," the video's narrator said.

The U.S. is currently negotiating three free trade agreements: the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, and the Trade in Services Agreement--all of which hinge on congressional enactment of TPA.

"TPA is vital to continuing our free trade agenda, provides for smooth negotiations of free trade agreements currently on the table, and ensures future economic growth and stability in the U.S.," the narrator said. "With Trade Promotion Authority, everybody wins."

Published under: Economy