Maddow: Landrieu Keystone Ploy 'Will Win Democrats Nothing, at Great Cost'

November 13, 2014

Rachel Maddow gave a facetious endorsement of Sen. Mary Landrieu’s (D., La.) push for a vote on the Keystone XL pipeline in the Senate.

On her show, Maddow criticized Senate Democrats’ strategy to vote on a bill that was proposed by Landrieu’s opponent Bill Cassidy (R., La.).

The logic behind the strategy is to gain local support for Landrieu in Louisiana’s upcoming runoff election, where many work in the oil and gas industries.

Maddow did not hold back when listing off the ramifications of the vote:

"The Democrats in the Senate in their infinite wisdom have lined up behind the Mary Landrieu strategy that they'll defy the wishes of the president, defy the Democrat party's base, defy the richest of the Democratic donor class who are not all that psyched about throwing good money after bad."

Maddow also said that Landrieu was likely to still lose despite all the Democrats would be giving up.

"Why wouldn't we do it?" Maddow asked. "Honestly, it will win Democrats nothing at great cost."

Published under: Rachel Maddow