Dem Congressman Praises Obama Before Grimes Takes Stage

October 15, 2014

Congressman John Yarmuth (D., Ky.), a surrogate for Democratic Senate candidate Alison Lundergan Grimes, took the stage Wednesday night to do what Grimes has been unable to do herself: praise President Obama.

Speaking at a Grimes rally in Louisville, Yarmuth riled up the crowd with an attack on Sen. Mitch McConnell (R. Ky.).

"All he's done, all he's done, is try to lay every problem at the foot of the president," Yarmuth said.

Yarmuth, who, unlike Grimes, openly supports President Obama, managed to lay the president's problems at the foot of George W. Bush.

"Nobody has inherited a tougher job than Barack Obama did," Yarmuth said.

Grimes has refused to say whether she voted for Obama, citing the "sanctity of the ballot box."