MSNBC's Ed Schultz flipped on whether "horse trading" votes in Congress is a good thing in a matter of two days.
On Tuesday May 6th, he delivered a diatribe against the cooperative practice:
ED SCHULTZ: I don’t understand why everything has to be horse traded. Everything has to be a deal. You mean to tell me we have come to the point in time in our economy with income and equality, the way it is and the working poor in this country and the number of people on assistance that we don`t have a single issue that can stand on it`s own merits like maybe paying hard working Americans a livable wage. We have to do a deal on that?
But just two days later, Schultz has apparently warmed up to the idea after Rep. Jared Polis (D., Colo.) endorsed it on his show:
JARED POLIS: If that’s how stuff gets done in this town, let’s get immigration reform done, let’s get the minimum wage done.
ED SCHULTZ: Horse trading votes, I like it.