Sean Hannity Endorses Barbara Comstock

Political commentator Sean Hannity endorsed Republican Barbara Comstock in her run for Virginia’s 10th Congressional District on Wednesday, WUSA reports.

According to a Comstock campaign press release:

This key endorsement adds to her already impressive list of endorsements from elected officials, party leaders and grassroots activists and on the heels of a poll released just yesterday that shows her running ahead by over 30 points.

Sean Hannity had this to say this morning, "Barbara Comstock is a solid and reliable conservative. I've known her for many years. She'd make a great member of Congress. I am happy to join other conservatives and proudly endorse her candidacy."

Comstock has also received endorsements from high-profile Republicans in Virginia and nationally, including Mitt and Ann Romney, Rep. Paul Ryan (R., Wis.), former Virginia Governor and U.S. Sen. George Allen (R., Va.), and Leadership Institute president Morton Blackwell.

Published under: 2014 Election