Rep. Schakowsky: 'There's no controversy around contraceptives for almost 100 percent of Americans'

February 14, 2012

U.S. Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.) said "none of the American people" follow a faith-based contraception plan in an appearance on Ed Schultz’s radio show Friday.

SCHAKOWSKY: I'm really quite annoyed, actually, by that--that Democrats were willing, in some instances, I think, to throw women under the bus. This is basic. And you know what? The case is closed, too. There's no controversy around contraceptives for almost 100 percent of Americans. You know, there's a few in the Catholic church, and maybe some other Evangelical churches, I don't know, that think that it's wrong, but none of the American people follow that.

In a Pew poll released today, 48 percent of Americans said they supported an exemption for religious organizations on contraception coverage; 44 percent do not support the exemption.

Published under: Contraception