Obama Cabinet to Raise Money for "Threat to Democracy"

Four department heads to raise funds for Dem Super PACs

February 14, 2012

At the Center for Public Integrity, iWatch News has the scoop that President Obama's cabinet secretaries are getting ready to hit the road and raise funds for Obama-friendly Super PACs. Reports iWatch:

At least four Cabinet members appear ready and willing to answer President Barack Obama’s call to help fill the coffers of Democratic outside spending groups, which have to date been badly outgunned by better-funded Republican organizations.

After previously denouncing the so-called "super PACs" as a "threat to democracy," Obama signed off last week [3] on a move to allow top campaign aides and high-level White House officials to raise money. ...

Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, Energy Secretary Steven Chu, Education Secretary Arne Duncan and U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk have all indicated they would be open to participation in activities designed to help the nascent Democratic super PACs, like "Priorities USA Action," raise money.

Click here for the whole story.

Published under: Democratic Donors