Ellison Barber: Admin Setting Dangerous Precedent In Health Law Changes

The Washington Free Beacon’s Ellison Barber joined The Blaze TV’s "Real News" Friday to discuss whether the Obama administration’s executive "fixes" to Obamacare are legal.

"I think of it as two competing legal ideas: administrative law and the take-care clause," Barber said. "Technically an argument can be made that since the changes are being made by CMS and HHS, they’re administrative changes."

But the President’s job is not to create laws, Barber said, "it’s to faithfully execute them. And because these are laws, he’s violating the take-care clause."

Barber noted that the administration was setting a bad precedent through its chosen strategy of claiming the fixes as "administrative fixes", because "there’s nothing to prevent a Republican president from coming in a few years and making their own changes in a similar fashion."

Published under: Obama Administration