Carney in 2011: All White House work is 'conducted on work email'

Report shows OFA campaign manager made promises to pharma lobbyist on personal email

A House report released Tuesday shows Obama campaign manager Jim Messina used personal email to avoid disclosure rules while conducting White House business.

Emails in the report include negotiations between Messina and a pharmaceutical lobbyist about provisions in the Affordable Care Act, including promises to "roll" then-Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.).

White House press secretary Jay Carney emphasized last year that White House staff does not use personal email for work purposes, as stipulated by law:

U.S. government policy—certain administration policy that is effective here—is that all of our work is conducted on work email accounts. That’s part of the Presidential Records Act. So the issue, in terms of—as I mentioned—our work accounts, we have no evidence to suggest that any of those accounts were accessed or compromised.

The report also outlines meetings scheduled by Messina outside of federal buildings to evade disclosure rules.

Published under: Jay Carney