Glee Star Lea Michelle Enjoys Cabo in Bikini (Photos)

No one is raining on that parade.
July 10, 2013

Lea Michelle, the star of Glee, put on some swimsuit fashion shows by herself while on holiday in Cabo for the July 4 weekend, and documented them for the rest of us.

This here Blog has a fondness for Glee's fantastical plot lines, catchy song covers, and stable of certified smokes. Michelle is the trifecta.

Her tasteful GQ pictorial was lambasted by scolding scolds who whined that the magazine was sexualizing a program that already depicts high school partner-swaps and teen pregnancy. Some people just don't know when to stop and smell the roses.

Michelle’s character is Glee’s stealth-smoke. The producers have tried concealing her smoke bonafides beneath actual talent. What hubris!

As the show has plummeted in actual quality, the producers have loosened their control over Michelle’s parade.

This past season, they even allowed Michelle to act her age.

Glee may be nose-diving in coherence, but as long as it keeps this up, Fox has nothing to worry about.

Published under: Smokes , Video