Virginia Attorney General Absolves Abortion Clinics From Requirement to Report Suspected Rapes of Teen Girls

Pro-life group accuses him of protecting abortion industry

The Virginia Attorney General released an opinion that relieves medical professionals from the obligation of reporting abortions for 13 to 15 year olds as evidence of potential rape.

"It is my opinion that a Virginia Department of Health (VDH) licensing inspector who is a nurse and who, during the course of a hospital inspection, learns from the review of a medical record that a 14-year-old girl received services related to her pregnancy is not required to make a report of child abuse and neglect pursuant to Virginia Code § 63.2-1509 unless there is reason to suspect that a parent or other person responsible for the child's care committed, or allowed to be committed, the unlawful sexual act upon the child," Democrat Mark Herring's September 12 opinion said.

"It is also my opinion that the VDH licensing inspector is not required to make a report to law enforcement of the crime of carnal knowledge of a child between the ages of 13 and 15."

Herring includes "prenatal or abortion services" among the signs of potential rape that he said do not have to be reported to law enforcement.

The Family Foundation, a pro-life group said they believe the Attorney General is trying to protect the abortion industry.

"This surprising opinion absolves health care professionals at abortion centers or the health department of responsibility to report the suspected rape of a child to the Department of Social Services or law enforcement," they said in a statement on their website.

"In order to reach this conclusion and protect the abortion industry, the Attorney General had to overrule two opinions issued by prior Attorneys General."

LifeNews recounted examples of abortion clinics that have failed to report evidence of rape to authorities.

"In 2010, Planned Parenthood covered up the rape of a 14-year-old girl who was brought to their Ohio facility by her 22-year-old soccer coach," they said. "In 2011, a Planned Parenthood facility in Arizona failed to properly report a case of statutory rape, which allowed the rapist to rape as many as 18 or more teenage girls."

"And the most recent case of the abortion giant’s misconduct involved a 13-year-old girl in Colorado who was being abused by her stepfather when she became pregnant."

Additionally, pro-life activist Lila Rose produced a series of undercover videos where investigators identified themselves as minors to seek an abortion after a much older man had impregnated them. The videos show abortion clinic workers advising many of the investigators to remain with their abuser and assuring them they would not report the rape to authorities.

The Attorney General's office did not return requests for comment.

Published under: Abortion , Virginia