NYT's Clinton Reporter on Paid Speeches: Clintons Would Say 'It's Expensive to Be a Clinton'

February 22, 2015

Hillary Clinton’s current shadow campaign for president has faced quite a few setbacks before her official announcement that she is running. Last summer on her book tour, Hillary Clinton claimed she was dead broke after coming out of the White House. Now another controversy is forming since the news broke that the Clinton Foundation has dropped their ban on accepting donations from foreign governments.

On ABC’s This Week, Bill Kristol noted that it’s quite odd Clinton continues to do paid speeches in addition to the news about the Clinton Foundation.

"I can tell you what they would say that it’s expensive to be a Clinton," said the New York Times’ Amy Chozick, who covers the Clintons for the Times. This reflection of the Clinton’s mindset caused panelist Joe Klein to burst into laughter.

Published under: New York Times