Obama Calling Islamic State Terrorists the 'JV Team' Named Top Lie of the Year

December 16, 2014

Morning Joe panel and concluded that President Obama was the clear winner in their biggest lies of the year.

"What lie had the biggest bang?" host Joe Scarborough asked Tuesday.

Glenn Kessler, a fact-checker at the Washington Post, said it was Obama because he said, "I didn’t call the Islamic State a ‘JV’ team."

"I look at the issues that resonate with people and are big issues," Kessler said. "So one of the major things was Barack Obama saying that he was not specifically referring to ISIS when he referred to a JV team."

Kessler said he reviewed the New York Times transcript of Obama calling the Islamic State a "JV team," and said "it was pretty clear" that Obama had lied.

Published under: Islamic State