Inside the Ring: Russian General Reveals INF Violation

A picture shows an anti-aircraft defence missile system on the Moskva cruiser in the Mediterranean Sea, off the coast of Syria
A picture shows an anti-aircraft defense missile system on the Moskva cruiser in the Mediterranean Sea, off the coast of Syria / Getty Images
November 16, 2017

Any doubts about Russia’s militarily significant violation of the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty were largely dispelled by Moscow’s military chief this month.

Gen. Valery Gerasimov, chief of the general staff, told Russian state media that units with precision-guided missiles with ranges of up to 2,485 miles are in place.

"We have formed command bodies and special units to plan the use of long-range precision-guided munitions and prepare flight assignments for all types of cruise missiles," Gen. Gerasimov said during a meeting of Defense Ministry officials on Nov. 6.

Read the entire article at the Washington Times.

Published under: Russia