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Poll: Hillary Clinton's Unfavorable Rating Has Doubled Since She Quit Her Job as Secretary of State

Hillary Clinton

Twice as many American hold an unfavorable view of Hillary Clinton as did during the final days of her tenure as Secretary of State, according to a recent Washington Post-ABC News survey. In early 2013, Clinton had an unfavorable rating of just 26 percent, and an impressive favorable rating of 67 percent. Since then, her unfavorable rating has more than doubled to 53 percent, while her favorable rating has fallen more than 20 points to 45 percent. That's bad.

This may have something to do with the fact that most Americans do not consider her to be honest and trustworthy, which might have something to do with her bitter and dismissive attitude toward the FBI investigation into her cavalier email practices as Secretary of State. It also fits a pattern for Hillary Clinton, who become increasingly unpopular the more she appears in public and asks people to vote for her. It's no wonder why the DNC is conspiring to limit the number of Democratic primary debates.

Interestingly, Hillary's favorable/unfavorable chart appears to show what those of us in the data journalism call the "Amtrak Death Rhombus," illustrated here:

That can only mean one thing: