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Hillary Clinton's Rope Line Exaggerations

During an appearance with late-night super fan Seth Meyers on Thursday, Hillary Clinton remarked she embraces any opportunity to speak with friendly people at her event's rope lines, but that's not always the case.

"It is incredibly demanding and exhausting in every way you can imagine, but I do have fun," Clinton said of her campaign. "I do have a good time out there, and it's usually because something funny will happen. Somebody will say something, or I will meet a person out there on a rope line, at an event, and you just get a connection, and it really does have its moments. So, I try to hang onto those moments, because they are outnumbered by just the sheer demands that go with it."

"And when you say hang onto those moments, like if you meet a nice person at the rope line, you just won't let go," Meyers joked.

"I hang onto them," she said. "I do not let them go ... Then I start stalking them, and that gets me into all kinds of trouble, like 'Wait, wait, come back, you're so nice, I really like talking to you!"

America Rising added a flashback clip onto the end of Clinton's pronouncement, when she told someone seeking an autograph back in June to head to "the end of the line." She also told a fan at a rally in August who had come to "get a hug" that she would give her one after the event was over, even though they were standing inches apart.

Meyers conducted a typically fawning interview for Late Night, which he took over after Jimmy Fallon headed to The Tonight Show. Meyers is known for his failed attempts to be like John Oliver with left-wing-friendly commentaries on political and world news, with an occasional attempt at a joke thrown in for good measure.