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Fearmongering on the Left Has Been Ignored in 2018 Coverage

A CNN screen graphic bluntly asked on the morning of Tuesday's midterms elections, "Will fear win?" I think the answer is "yes," but not necessarily for the same reasons as the Chyron With Attitude.

CNN was referring to President Donald Trump's aggressive rhetoric against illegal immigration, sending troops to the border, and warning of the consequences of Democratic victories in the 2018 elections. It wasn't alone in portraying the race as Democrats Vs. The Fearmongerers.

The Washington Post reported Sunday that Trump is "painting an astonishingly apocalyptic vision of America under Democratic control in the campaign’s final days, unleashing a torrent of falsehoods and portraying his political opponents as desiring crime, squalor and poverty."

On the front page of the New York Times Tuesday, readers were greeted with the headline, "Voters To Decide After A Campaign Driven By Division," and a lede sentence about how President Trump had "closed out an us-against-them midterm election campaign that was built on dark themes of fear nationalism and racial animosity in an effort to salvage Republican control of Congress for the remaining two years of his term."

Yet there's been plenty of fear and intimidation from the left, too. Here are just a few examples of over-the-top attacks, alarmism and outlandish comparisons in just the past few months that have helped poison the political arena:

Whoever emerges triumphant on Tuesday, you could say "fear" won out. If it's Democrats who wind up in charge of Congress, though, don't expect anyone to point that out.