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Clinton Blames Everything for Election Loss in CBS Interview

Hillary and Bill Clinton

Hillary Clinton's blame tour for her 2016 election loss to Donald Trump started off with a bang on Sunday morning.

In her interview with "CBS Sunday Morning," Clinton cast blame for her defeat on Sen. Bernie Sanders' (I., Vt.) primary campaign, Sanders' supporters, WikiLeaks, coverage of her private email scandal, former FBI Director James Comey, Comey's letter to Congress about her email investigation, voters not caring about her plans, anger and resentment in voters, "millions of white people," Russians spreading fake news about her, Vladimir Putin, voter suppression, and, on multiple occasions, sexism and misogyny.

The interview was largely in keeping with the tone of her other sit-downs with friendly interviewers in 2017.

Clinton is promoting her election memoir What Happened, which comes out Tuesday and delves into how she lost to Trump.

In her interview with CBS, Clinton also said she was finished as a political candidate and revealed she was so confident of victory, she bought a second house near her home in Chappaqua, New York, to accommodate White House staff during presidential retreats.

Many Democrats have stated they want to move on from the election; one anonymous former Clinton fundraiser told the Hill they wished she would "shut the f--k up and go away."