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Voters Describe Hillary Clinton as Uptight, Calculating

Likely voters who participated in an Ohio focus group conducted by the University of Pennsylvania described Hillary Clinton with adjectives such as "domineering," "uptight," and "calculating," according to an NBC News report.

Although Clinton was praised for her toughness, with one participant saying "she's got some balls," much of the group's discussion focused on her desire for power and issues with her ability to be honest.

Among the adjectives used by participants to describe Clinton were "domineering," "uptight," "icy," "polarizing," and "calculating."

Perhaps even worse for Clinton were the responses when the group was asked to compare her to a fictional character. Clinton was compared to Cinderella's wicked stepmother, Disney villain Malifecent, "a perturbed Tasmanian Devil," and the "shrew" from Shakespeare's "Taming of the Shrew."

Even the positive characters that Clinton was compared to may pose problems for her campaign.

She was compared to Olivia Pope, a fictional character in ABC's "Scandal" who has an affair with the President of the United States and is involved in a electoral fraud scheme to help get the president elected.

"Olivia Pope has the messiest personal life of any character in prime time," wrote the Boston Herald.

Beyond the harsh comparisons were some choice words regarding the motivations behind Clinton's second presidential run and also her approachability as a candidate.

"I don't feel like she loves our country or that she wants to make the world a better place," said one participant. "I feel like she's scraping to become president and I don't know why."

"She needs to understand her audiences better and get across better because sometimes I think her message gets lost in those negative connotations. And she's smart, so why hasn't she figured that out?" said a 45 year-old Democratic voter. "I want her to figure out how to be genuine in a way that is a little more approachable."