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Trump Calls Russian DNC Hack a 'Big Dem Hoax,' Taunts Pelosi as Boon for GOP in Latest Tweetstorm

Preisdent Donald Trump

President Donald Trump said Thursday morning that the 2016 hack into the Democratic National Committee's computer network was a "hoax" by Democrats, asking in his latest barrage of tweets why the DNC did not seek federal assistance following the cyber breach if Russia was behind it.

Trump also mocked House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.), writing in one message that she has helped the Republican Party gain electoral victories following Democrat Jon Ossoff's loss Tuesday night in Georgia' special congressional election—the most expensive House race ever.

Using congressional testimony from former Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson, who served during the Obama administration, Trump argued there is no evidence that his presidential campaign colluded with Russia. He also questioned why the Obama administration did not more forcefully address the DNC hack.



The DNC was hacked during the 2016 presidential election and thousands of emails were subsequently published by WikiLeaks. The U.S. intelligence community has said Russia was behind the cyber attack as part of its effort to interfere in the election.

Johnson, whose testimony Trump cited, told the House Intelligence Committee on Wednesday that the DNC said last year it did not need the Department of Homeland Security's help after the hacks.

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D., Fla.), who served as DNC chair at the time, denied that the organization rejected assistance from the FBI or DHS in dealing with the hack. Her comments contradicted Johnson's testimony.

Trump then denounced the issue of Russian hacking as a Democratic "scam." He appeared to theorize that Democrats concocted the story as an "excuse" for Hillary Clinton losing the 2016 presidential election.



The president also mocked Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.), saying that they have helped Republicans, despite the two opposing Trump's agenda.

Trump's tweet came amid media reports and comments from Democratic lawmakers indicating that Pelosi is under pressure as a party leader following high-profile special election defeats.