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Train Carrying Congressional Republicans Hits Truck in Virginia

An Amtrak train carrying congressional Republicans collided with a truck on Wednesday morning in Virginia.

The members, including many family members, were on their way to a retreat at the Greenbriar Resort in West Virginia.

Members and reporters initially tweeted that all members aboard the train appeared to be fine after the accident near Charlottesville, Va.

Members who are also doctors are initially treated those at the scene, including the men in the truck, who were injured.

Authorities have since confirmed there were at least three "serious injuries"–all sustained by those in the truck–as a result of the crash. One individual who was in the truck is also reported to have died as a result of the crash, ABC News reports.

In a statement, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders confirmed at least one "serious injury" and one fatality among those in the truck.

"The President has been fully briefed on the situation in Virginia and is receiving regular updates," Sanders said in her statement. "There is one confirmed fatality and one serious injury. There are no serious injuries among members of Congress or their staff."

Sen. Jeff Flake (R., Ariz.) told MSNBC that one congressman–following protocol in the event of a possible concussion–and one staffer were also transported to the hospital with minor injuries.

Later on Wednesday, the deceased individual was identified as Christopher Foley, 28, of Louisa County. Foley was a truck passenger, according to Albemarle County Police.