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Linda Sarsour, Who Called Israel's Leader a 'Waste of a Human Being,' Labels Senior Trump Admin Officials Anti-Semites

Linda Sarsour, a Palestinian activist and executive director of the Arab American Association of New York, joined MSNBC on Wednesday to discuss her support in helping a St. Louis area Jewish cemetery that was vandalized last week.

But Sarsour quickly shifted to lambasting the Trump administration for being what she called bigoted.

"I don't know where to start. From Steve Bannon, who is an outright white nationalist, white supremacist, an anti-Semite," Sarsour said to host Andrea Mitchell. "Thank God we got rid of Gen. Michael Flynn, who is a very well know Islamophobe. Mike Pompeo at the CIA. It really varies from agency to agency."

"Wherever we look we find people who are antithetical to everything that we, or at least I, stand for," she added.

Sarsour has drawn attention in the past for attacking supporters of Israel.

In 2016, Sarsour attacked an African-American pro-Israel activist because she "forgot where she came from," the Washington Free Beacon reported at the time. Sarsour has also called Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a "waste of a human being" and a "bigot."

She has also written tweets glorifying child terrorists and attacking Zionism.

In 2015, she sent out a tweet with a photo of a Palestinian child carrying rocks. Palestinians often throw rocks at Jews and Israeli security personnel.



In 2012 she wrote on Twitter, "Nothing is creepier than Zionism."