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OPM Director Eats Her Words After Security Breach

Katherine Archuleta

Katherine Archuleta, Office of Personnel Management director and 2012 national political director for Obama's re-election campaign, has been an outspoken critic of 2012 presidential candidate Mitt Romney.

In October 2012, Archuleta tweeted that she perceived Obama to be a strong leader with reliable judgment. Archuleta criticized Romney, saying he was "nothing but shaky" and mocking his foreign policy credentials. The Obama administration further mocked him for warning that China was hacking the United States.

The OPM hack is the largest in the country's history. It is believed the Chinese government were able to acquire the private information of over 22 million Americans. More troubling is how high the problem reaches: the information stolen belonged to federal workers, including many top officials.

Mitt Romney has experienced a certain amount of vindication for a number of his campaign prediction in 2012. The former Governor of Massachusetts predicted Russia's aggressive actions in Ukraine, warned of cybersecurity vulnerabilities, foretold of more government shutdowns with a second Obama term, and accurately said some Americans would lose their healthcare coverage if Obamacare was fully implemented.