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Maggie Hassan Plays Coy When Asked if She Would Ban Assault Weapons

Gov. Maggie Hassan (D., N.H.) repeatedly dodged questions from a reporter when asked if she supported the reinstatement of the federal assault weapons ban.

"In the hours after the horrific shootings down in Orlando, your party's presumptive presidential nominee, Hillary Clinton, has called, again, for the assault weapons ban," the reporter said. "An assault weapon obviously was used in that attack. Do you agree with her on that?"

"Well, first of all, I stand with all Granite Staters and all Americans in offering my condolences and mourning the lives lost," Hassan said. "It's really, really important that we take a moment to remember the people who were lost, to stand with the LGBT community, they deserve to be able to live with respect and dignity and in safety and that we do everything we can to defeat terrorism around the globe and also become more vigilant and effective in combating lone wolf terrorism, which this was an example of."

"I think it's really critically important that we consider the fact that this murderer got a weapon of mass destruction that caused mass casualties, even though he was known to the FBI as a suspected terrorist and it is time for the Senate—I am very disappointed that the Senate, including Senator Ayotte, who had the chance to close a critical loophole that might have prevented him from getting this gun, they failed to do that in December," Hassan said. "I hope very much that they will take up a measure that would say that people who are known or suspected terrorists in the United States of America can't buy this kind of weapon that causes mass casualties and is intended to cause mass casualties."

"If you were in the Senate right now and if perchance a vote did get to the Senate floor on reinstating the assault weapons ban, which was in effect for ten years, is that something you would vote for?" the reporter asked.

"I certainly think that we can take steps to prevent this kind of weapon that is designed to create mass casualties from getting into the hands of the wrong people, while still protecting the Second Amendment rights of the people of New Hampshire and making sure that we're protecting the ownership and use of legitimate hunting rifles," Hassan said.

Hassan is running for the U.S. Senate seat occupied by Republican Sen. Kelly Ayotte.