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Journalists, Progressives Denounce Cuomo's Decision to Restore Felon Voting Rights as Political

Andrew Cuomo/ Getty Images

Only hours after New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D.) announced he would restore the voting rights of some 35,000 individuals convicted of felonies, journalists and progressives castigated the move on social media as being politically calculated.

The governor made the announcement Wednesday while addressing the annual convention of the National Action Network, a social justice group founded by Al Sharpton, in New York City. Cuomo, who is facing a spirited challenge for the Democratic nomination for governor from "Sex and the City" actress and political activist Cynthia Nixon, said he decided to move unilaterally, via executive order, after the legislature failed to act on the issue.

Journalists and progressive activists didn't buy the governor's reasoning, with many claiming he only pursued executive action because of Nixon's progressive influence and to ensure an energized left didn't stymie his plans for a third term.




The New York Working Families Party, a progressive political party that endorsed Nixon last weekend, rebuked the governor for an action it believed was long overdue.

"BREAKING: On 2,664th day in office, Governor discovers Executive powers. #thecynthiaeffect," the party tweeted.