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Howard Schultz: I Have No Intention of Running for Office But Country Is Going Through 'Significant Crucible'

Starbucks executive chairman Howard Schultz said Sunday he has "no intention" of pursuing political office but cautioned the country is going through a "significant crucible" at the moment.

The billionaire has been politically active over the past few years, endorsing Hillary Clinton in the 2016 campaign and stepping down as CEO of Starbucks this year to focus on "social missions" as its chairman. According to Business Insider, Clinton was likely to tap Schultz as her Secretary of Labor had she defeated Donald Trump.

Fox News host Abby Huntman asked Schultz if running for office was next for him.

"I have no intention of running for public office," he said. "I have a deep love and admiration for the country. I do feel the country's going through a significant crucible, and I'm doing everything I can as a private citizen and trying to use the platform of Starbucks to advance the humanity and the compassion of our society."

Business Insider reported last week on rumors of his ambitions and his embracing of progressive causes:

In 2011, Schultz encouraged people not to donate to political campaigns until the government addressed national debt. In 2015, he spearheaded the "Race Together" campaign to address police brutality and racism. In a 2015 New York Times op-ed celebrating bipartisan leadership, Schultz said he wasn't running for office, "despite the encouragement of others."

Schultz said Sunday the desired tax cut by the Trump administration could not be done in isolation, saying President Trump's desired 20 percent corporate tax rate had to be coupled with other tax reform that addressed the deficit.