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FBI Investigation Into Jane Sanders Continues, New Witness Recently Questioned

A new witness was recently called in the FBI investigation into possible bank fraud involving Sen. Bernie Sanders' (I., Vt.) wife, Jane Sanders.

Former Burlington College Board Chairman Yves Bradley said he was questioned in the past six weeks about Jane Sanders' involvement in the alleged bank fraud, Fox News reports.

Sanders is under investigation following a land deal she made as president of Burlington College in 2010, the Washington Free Beacon reported.

Sanders obtained a loan to purchase a 33-acre campus for Burlington College while she was president. She projected a surge in enrollment and claimed to have large donations lined up, and so she was able to get the loan with help from the Vermont Educational and Health Buildings Financing Agency. She was wrong on both the enrollment numbers and, critically, the fundraising numbers.

Three major donors said that Sanders misrepresented their pledges. The deal fell through, and Sanders resigned in 2011, reportedly receiving a six-figure severance package.

Sanders' former campaign manager Jeff Weaver previously called the allegations "baseless" and implied the investigation is politically motivated.

The matter is being handled by the Justice Department and has "no specific deadline" for completion, according to former Burlington College dean of operations Coralee Holm.

Holm said there was "potential" the case would face a grand jury, according to FBI agents.