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Emails Show Top Clinton Aide Researched Alzheimer’s Drug

Hillary Clinton

Recently released emails show that Jake Sullivan, a top aide to Hillary Clinton, researched a drug that is used to treat Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, among other disorders, while Clinton was secretary of state and told her about his findings.

Sullivan, Clinton’s top foreign policy adviser, was researching the drug Provigil for Clinton at the State Department in 2011, the Daily Caller reported.

Sullivan emailed Clinton information on Provigil and told her about its use and history. Sullivan noted in an email that Provigil is used for narcolepsy and treating patients with Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Multiple Sclerosis who have excessive sleepiness.

Sullivan also noted that Provigil is often prescribed to treat "excessive sleepiness in patients with Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and multiple sclerosis."

He stated that Modafinil–the drug’s original name–"gained attention in the medical community because it is the first effective stimulant with no significant potential for abuse" before explaining "it can be used for two to three day stretches at a time, with few known side effects and little risk of addiction."

Sullivan’s email may add to speculation by some that Clinton has severe health problems as the presidential campaign goes on.

Clinton did have medical problems in 2012 near the end of her term as secretary of state, but her personal physician says that Clinton has full recovered from those issues.