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WFB's Bill Gertz Discusses Obama Support for Muslim Brotherhood on Newsmax

Bill Gertz, senior editor of the Washington Free Beacon, joined the Steve Malzberg Show on Newsmax Wednesday night to discuss his story on Presidential Study Directive-11.

PSD-11 started in 2011 and outlines the Obama administration’s support for political reform in the Middle East and North Africa and is completely classified. The directive laid out a strategy for the administration to support the Muslim Brotherhood.

The classified document also labels the Muslim Brotherhood as a moderate Muslim group, but Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates have labeled the group a terrorist organization. Gertz added that the Muslim Brotherhood is not a moderate Muslim group and has the ideology of other terrorist groups like al Qaeda and the Islamic State.

Gertz said he had been working to get the PSD-11 document unclassified but has had very little luck. He also confirmed the group has tried to make its way into the United States.

"It’s clear that the president and the White House have been ill-advised on this threat," Gertz said. "It was astounding to me when we see the president in Germany coming out and saying that he is still waiting on the Pentagon to present a strategy on ISIL."